
Traditional therapy didn’t help me overcome high-functioning anxiety so I created my own method - The Devine Method®

Here’s why I created my own method (The Devine Method®) for Entrepreneurs and high performing individuals ↓

Traditional therapy didn’t help me overcome high-functioning anxiety.

Before I continue, I am a qualified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Mindfulness Practitioner. I studied Psychology (BSc), Clinical Psychology and Mental Health (MSc), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and also received training in other therapies.

I do believe therapy is amazing for gaining self-awareness, learning why you get stuck in vicious cycles of anxiety, stress and burnout (and helping you get unstuck), and learning helpful tools and coping strategies.

But here’s the thing ↓

When I started working with high performing clients, I began to see that therapy only helped them to an extent. It often did not address the unique challenges that high performers or Entrepreneurs experience such as the risks you take; the emotional toll of managing uncertainty; the isolation and loneliness that can come with being a solo founder or Leader; chronic stress and burnout; financial stress; the pressure you put yourself under to succeed when no one truly gets you; navigating business relationships with co-founders, employees, investors and clients; and much more.

I felt like I also needed more after experiencing high-functioning anxiety and being stuck in cycles of chronic stress and burnout for years.

As an ambitious person, I wanted to go on a journey of personal growth, healing and transformation where I could not only master my mind and emotions but also my body and calm my nervous system … we all know this is key to sustaining a successful business, especially as we grow and scale right?!

I wanted to gain clarity on who I was aside from my achievements and work.

I wanted to learn how to maintain a high level of performance so I could consistently deliver exceptional results.

I wanted to create a clear action plan to not only get myself out of never ending cycles of anxiety, stress and burnout, but so I could also start working towards creating an authentic life and business that aligned with my values (one of them being freedom).

So 11 years ago now, I decided to study a Diploma in Life Coaching and Personal Performance Coaching, Holistic Coaching and Acceptance-Action Coaching and Therapy. I also attended courses in spiritual coaching, human design, energy mastery and alignment and much more.

Over time, it became clear to me that true freedom from high-functioning anxiety and burnout required a holistic approach - a powerful fusion of evidence-based therapies, transformative tools, and personalised coaching.

This resulted in the creation of The Devine Method® - a methodology I curated by blending evidence-based therapies like CBT with compassion-focused therapy, life and high-performance coaching, and mindfulness.

I work within this method in my Bespoke 1:1 Holistic Programme – a unique approach to letting go of high-functioning anxiety and elevating your performance and wellbeing.

This is for the entrepreneur and high achiever who is ready to take action and optimise all areas of their life.

If you’ve tried therapy before and you haven’t quite experienced the results you were expecting, you aren’t alone. This is something I hear a lot.

As a previous client stated in a testimonial, “Your 1:1 coaching program has just opened my eyes to the power of coaching and The Devine Method®, because I've tried therapy in the past in different ways and it’s just not been quite right”.

If you’re interested in finding out about how I can support you using The Devine Method®, I’d love to chat - you can book a free intro call below.

What is High-Functioning Anxiety?

What is High-Functioning Anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety is the kind of anxiety that no one really notices because on the outside, you look like you ‘have it all together’. You appear calm, collected and successful. However, the way you feel on the inside is often very different.

What others might not know (and what many high performers tend not to share) is that beneath the surface of an outwardly perfect exterior, you are actually experiencing anxiety, stress, self-doubt and find yourself worrying and overthinking, which keeps you up at night and as a result, feeling exhausted when you wake up and reliant on coffee/caffeine to get you through the day. You fear failure (and sometimes success too), find it hard to relax and feel a constant pressure to achieve perfection in your work, relationships and personal life.

To sum it up, high-functioning anxiety basically feels like a relentless daily battle trying to keep it together, beneath a seemingly calm surface.

An image to demonstrate what others see (on top of the iceberg) versus how you really feel and what’s actually going on for you (underneath the iceberg).

What are the signs and symptoms of high-functioning anxiety?

One of the challenges with high-functioning anxiety is that it can be hard to recognise because many individuals who experience this kind of anxiety look like they have it all together, are often asked by others how they manage to do it all so well and tend to be seen as the ‘strong ones’.

One of the first steps to managing high-functioning anxiety though is being able to recognise some of the signs and symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty managing stress. High-functioning anxiety can make it challenging to manage stress effectively.

  • Excessive worrying. High-functioning anxiety often manifests as persistent worrying about future outcomes, potential failures or worst-case scenarios.

  • Comparison and self-doubt. You may constantly compare yourself to others and feel inadequate. You may question your abilities and accomplishments, even if you have achieved significant success. You may also fear being exposed as a fraud and feel that you don’t deserve your success (imposter syndrome).

  • Overworking. You may overwork and struggle to set clear boundaries between work and your personal life.

  • Work-life balance struggles. Anxiety can make it difficult to establish a healthy work-life balance. The constant need to prove yourself and meet your high standards can result in you neglecting your well-being, physical health, social life and relationships.

  • Exhaustion. Constantly dealing with anxiety and its accompanying symptoms can be emotionally draining. You might experience emotional exhaustion and feel overwhelmed by the demands of your anxiety.

  • Physical health problems. Over time, anxiety can manifest physically, leading to symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, stomach aches and more.

  • Sleep difficulties. You might experience difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep or experiencing restful sleep.

  • Difficulties relaxing. You may find it challenging to relax and enjoy leisure time, especially if you are constantly thinking about your to-do list, responsibilities and worries.

  • Perfectionism. You may set exceptionally high standards for yourself and strive for perfection. This can lead to a persistent fear of making mistakes or falling short of your expectations, resulting in excessive self-criticism and self-imposed pressure.

Is it possible to break free from high-functioning anxiety?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to break free from high-functioning anxiety and this is something I support many high performing individuals with. One of the first steps is recognising that seeking support is a sign of strength and not a weakness. I know you may have handled everything on your own up until now, but remember you deserve to seek support too - you don’t have to do it all alone.

Working through and overcoming the challenges associated with high-functioning anxiety requires a combination of greater self-awareness, getting to know who you really are outside of your achievements and work, practicing self-compassion, working on your mindset, prioritising self-care and learning coping strategies that work for you as a high performer.

With the right support and a holistic approach, you can learn how to manage high-functioning anxiety so that you can start feeling calmer, more confident, content, connect more meaningfully with others and achieve a better balance between your personal and professional life.

It is important to approach high-functioning anxiety with realistic expectations though and remember that it is normal to experience anxiety occasionally in response to certain stressors or challenging situations. In my opinion, it would be unrealistic to tell you that you can eliminate anxiety forever, but what I can tell you is that it is absolutely possible to manage high-functioning anxiety so that it no longer negatively impacts your wellbeing, physical health, relationships, social life and performance.

Looking for support to manage high-functioning anxiety?

I share tips and advice to help you cultivate calm and elevate your performance and wellbeing on my Instagram page (@lorna_devine).

If you’re looking for 1:1 support to manage high-functioning anxiety, you can book in a complimentary introductory coaching call here.